With the elections upon us this season spirits are high, temperments are flaring and its so much excitement in the nations capital. Washington, D.C. has so much to offer, an artist Demont Peekaso happens to be one of those people whose talent offers so much. While at Black Men Revealed event (an event held in DC on Sunday Night) Peekaso was inspired to create a portrait about Black Love, Marriage and Relationships. What would be a more fitting example than to choose the Obamas, he created an alluring replica of the President and First lady on their wedding day. I Love this picture of President Obama and First Lady Michelle, it shows their simplistic yet undying love for one another.
Wouldn't it be awesome if the Obamas could see this portrait and actually hang it on the walls of the White House? Anything is possible, and dreams do come true. If you like this portrait tweet it, facebook it, email it do whatever you can to show this piece of art. Hopefully they may see it and love is work, I feel in love with it. I love a great piece of art!
Wouldn't it be awesome if the Obamas could see this portrait and actually hang it on the walls of the White House? Anything is possible, and dreams do come true. If you like this portrait tweet it, facebook it, email it do whatever you can to show this piece of art. Hopefully they may see it and love is work, I feel in love with it. I love a great piece of art!
To see more of Demont Peekaso's work please visit his website at www.demontpeekaso.net
twitter: @demontpeekaso
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