Monday, July 9, 2012

My Style Is......

Meet Shaheed Rucker a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a Psychology graduate, Owner of Anderung T-shirt brand which is a German term for Change. The brand funds my Organization (Changemakers) workshops/activities and camps that changes behavior through sports, education, arts and crafts. Shaheed enjoys traveling, sports, creating and change.

 Your Style Is?
 My style is free, objective and changes with how I feel.

What piece of clothing can't you live without?
I can't live without distressed denim shirts or jeans 

How BIG is fashion in your life?
Fashion is huge in my life for many reason's. It serves as an esteem booster, a way to express my creativity and individualism. It's also a great marketing tool if you're an entrepreneur, today's society judge you off your appearance. As a entrepreneur it's imperative that you maintain a sleek image to enhance your brand.

Do you have a favorite model? 
 I don't have a favorite model, I appreciate the diversity in all models. Although I was a big fan of Liya Kebede.

Who is your Style Icon?
I would say people in general, especially senior citizens. I like the way my elders dress, comfortable, effortlessly and casual.

What are some words you live by (Life/Style)?
 I live by "BE-U-TIFUL"in the fashion world. That's actually printed on one of my Anderung T's. Just an expression of being you is a beautiful thing. In life it's as simple as "never give up" it goes along way.

If you could wear one thing everyday what would it be and why?
I have a great pair of dirty denim Banana Republic jeans that I keep close at all times, lol. They're perfect for all occasions.

What Fashion read are you faithful too?
I'm faithful to all GQ magazines here and abroad. It covers a great deal in one magazine.

What is your "Fashion Must Have"?
Fashion must have to me is a gold watch, Chuck Taylors and Jack Purcell. I cant go without those things and of course an Anderung T-shirt.

 What can't you leave home without?
I cant leave without my camera, Iphone, notepad and business cards.

Check Shaheed's websites: and
Twitter: @Change_Makers
Instagram: @Change_Makers

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