Monday, July 16, 2012

My Hair Is....

Meet Jessica Franklin a Junior at Rutgers University School of Business in New Brunswick, New Jersey. She loves Jesus! She also loves her family, friends, traveling, music, and exercising.

 My hair Is.....(natural/relaxed)?

 What does your hair mean to you?
That's a tough question! Hmm well I think no matter who you are your hair is your crown! I believe spending time with Jesus and honoring him comes first and makes you way more beautiful than anything else! But next to that I take care of my skin and hair the most, more than my clothes and other possessions. If your hair and skin look good, then you can be confident with who you are no matter what you are wearing! So I absolutely love investing time and money into my hair. It's so worth it!

 How long have you been natural/relaxed?
 I've been for 6 years. I chopped off my relaxer freshman year of high school. I didn't know how damaging relaxers were and that they completely ruin your curls! So I had to get rid of it! It was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

What are your favorite styles to wear?
 Wearing it out is my favorite. I also like pinning it to the side and having just one side out.

How do you take care of your hair? (stylist)
 I no longer go to a stylist, I trim my hair myself every 2 months or so using the "search and destroy" method. I used to get it cut every 8 weeks but it was killing my length! So now I just do it myself so I can retain more length. When I straighten it I also do that myself, only time I would go to a stylist now is if I color it (which I probably won't do because it's so damaging to curls).

 What's your hair care regimen?
 I wash my hair about once a week unless there is some occasion I want to attend with my hair out and curly. When I wash my hair I cleanse it with sulfate free Renpure Organics Argan Oil Sampoo and deep condition it with Curls Coconut Subline Conditioner. I leave it in with a plastic cap for about 30 mins. (I plan to get a heutiful hair steamer soon so I can use that!). Then I wash it out and put Tressemue silicone free conditioner from their natural line. It has amazing slip and it's perfect for detangling. With it still in I finger detangle in the shower and then I section my hair in 4 sections so I can disperse my styling product, Kinky Curly Custard, throughout my head soaking wet. I never take the Tressume conditioner out! It is my leave in. Finally I seal it with Argan Oil. I let it air dry and then blow dry the roots once it's 90% dry to stretch it and make it bigger.I will keep my hair out for 2-3 days depending on how long it lasts without too much frizz. The rest of the week I'll keep it in a high bun. At night I spray the whole head with water, put Carols Daughter Marguerite's Magic butter on it, and seal it with Argan oil. This keeps it moisturized and prevents split ends!

 Do you have style inspirations?
I do twist outs with bantu knots (at the same time) to get the Tracee Ellis Ross look!

 Who is your hairstyle crush?
 Tracee Ellis Ross! I adore her!

 What's your staple product?
 Kinky curly custard ! It works great on my hair every time (unless the weather is horrible, then its a bun day!). It's light and all natural so it doesn't leave it dry. Plus it makes my curls really defined with no frizz.

 What's your go to style?
 A big bun. If the weather is nasty, I'm having a bad hair day or just plain lazy I can do
 this. It's cute, easy and also a protective style to prevent breakage on my ends.

What is your style mantra?
 Classy, fun and girly!

 What is your life mantra?
 Put Christ first and your beauty will shine from within!

 How can viewers keep in contact with you?
 Instagram: heygorjess
Twitter: heygorjess
 Facebook: Jessica Franklin(I use instagram the most)

 God Bless You Natural Beauties!

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