My Music is....
My Therapy.... but hopefully therapy to my fans too (LOL)
• Explain what your music is?
I think my music is fresh and relative to my age group. But also to the older and younger generations of music lovers. I try to make my music timeless so no matter how old it gets, the situations that I'm writing and singing about can still inspire, encourage, and pull the people in that hears it.
• What genre of MUSIC can’t you live without?
I just love all types of music but one genre that I just couldn't live without is gospel. I mean eventhough its not my preference to sing, its the most uplifting music I can think of. It centers my thoughts and emotions when the world tries to overtake me. It brings me back to where I need to be.
• How BIG is MUSIC in your life?
Music is Larger than life to me. When you think about it, music influences everything around us. Its used in commercials to sale something, its used in church to heal someone, they say that certian music can even mentally, and physically heal you better then some medicines. I couldn't even begin to imagine the world without it. It would be dry, boring and Oh yea and clubs would be shut down! And we all like to party every now and then... lol
• What inspires your MUSIC?
For me I try to make my music as real as possible. What other way to make it believable then taking my own situations and experiences and putting a beat behind them. Relationships, friendships, goals, and my personal desires all contribute to the making of a song from RonnellBrian. When ever you hear something from me 9 times out of 10 I'm tellin my own business. (LOL)... My own story. Truth is always more interesting then fiction to me.
• Who has influenced you MUSICALLY?
GOD is my absolute most major influence when it comes to doin this. I mean I recognize that my reason for even having this talent is because he chose me out of all his creations to bless with it.
• What are some words you live by (Style or Life)?
Aww man, I have so many quotes and sayings that I live by... Twitter gets the best of me because every thing that I come up with its like second nature to post a tweet saying it... One of my favorites is "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you will reap a harvest if you faint not" To me thinking positive and not giving up and remaining consistent is a lifestyle for me. I just want my fans to get the best of me and that means I have to live by what I say and do.
• If it wasn’t for MUSIC what would you be doing right now?
LOL... Never took the time to think about that one. I guess I would be some type of motivational speaker.. its my second passion to help people. and to motivate them. I find myself doing that for free so why not get paid for it right? lol
• Who would you like to work with in the MUSIC industry?
Hummm... I have a lot of influences and love all types of artist but I just absolutley love Brandy's talent. I mean as an artist she's everything that I feel you should be vocally, tone and pitch wise. I would love to work with her! Just to even gain the wisdom that I'm sure she has gained over a long career in this industry would be enough for me!
• Where can you MUSIC be found?
Well currently I'm working on a website that will give snippets and updates on performances and new songs but I can be found on Youtube and Facebook and Twitter too. They're free and it gets the job done... LOL but also I am looking to release my first mix tape of originals and covers by August of this summer. I'll keep you posted (Smiles)
• What mark will you leave on the MUSIC Industry?
The mark I want to leave on the music world and for people who want to pursue something that doesn't seem acheivable is to NEVER take "NO" for an answer. I feel like for every 100 "NO's" you get from life you'll always get atleast 1 "Yes" a keep going till u get to that 1 "yes" youve been waiting for.
Future Endeavors?
This has been a passion of mine since forever. Today is my future from yesterday... I just take everyday that I have and make it greater and better to bring me one step closer to tomorrow. Whatever that is... as long as music is there, I'm going!
To stay connected with Ronnell Brian: Twitter: @RonnellBrian
Facebook: Ronnell Brian
Youtube: Ronnell Brian
Booking and General Contact :
Enjoy: Beats For You:
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