Monday, January 3, 2011

Meet The Rich Ant

Who is the Rich Ant might you ask, well the name is very catchy! Rich Ant is Antwanyce Richardson, a woman, daugther, friend, a painter and an artist. I met her last year at a hip hop music event in Washington, DC. I watched her paint as rap artist introduced their songs to the audience, I am a lover of music but some how my attention was captured by this woman painting. Hey call it what you want but I was amazed, I always thought I was like a renaissance kid when I was little. I knew I could dance, sing, act, paint, draw, sew, cook, play basketball, or whatever their was to think of I thought I could do it.

So watching Antwanyce paint brought me back to that time when I thought I was a great artist(drawing, painting, sketching) but really that wasn't my niche' So I decided to catch up with her to see what inspires her to paint. Read what she had to say:

SF:When did you become interested in art? In high school.
RA:Is that the same date/time that you started to paint? Nope I started painting in 2006.

SF: What are some of your favorite colors to use?
RA:Mostly cool jewel tones.

SF:What is your most favorite thing to paint?
RA:Trees, eyes, lips, breast, clouds and bubbles. But lately I have fixated on bumble bees and sea life.

SF:What inspires you to paint?
RA:Music, other artist, life, love

SF:Do you have a favorite painter(s)?
RA:Dead: Picasso's cubist period, Dali, Klimt Living: Bryan Collins, Tatiana Saurez, Glenn Aurthor, Sherry Delorme, Natasha Wescoat the list goes on and on.

SF:Have you ever done body paint(ing)?
RA:No but I plan too

SF:What is the infatuation with body painting?
RA:Don't know but I'm a mixed media artist so I explore all mediums in which to create.

SF:Why do you think it has become so popular?
RA:Because its sexy and sex sells.

SF:Are any of your art pieces for sale?
RA:Yes quite a few.

SF:If so what are the price ranges?
RA:$12 - $1000 for now the gallery recognition the more my work will increase with value.

SF:Where do you think art is going in the next 5 years?
RA:Beyond Beyond.

SF:What are your goals with your artistry?
RA:To become full time, To picked up by a national lowbrow Magazine, and sell my art world wide.

SF:What is your opinion on Arts being taken out of public schools? RA:It is a disservice to our young people, art can help with other subjects and it healing in art.

Check out her website:

Also if you will be in the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) check out her solo exhibition on Saturday! Check my previous post about the event Attention Art Lovers